Ice Path

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Gettin' Through
Look at this map of how to get through the Ice Path. Does this make things alot clearer?

About It
The Ice Cave is fairly easy to get through. There are a few Sliding on the Ice puzzles to solve, but you never get attacked while sliding on ice, so you have plenty of time to figure them out. Be sure to explore it thoroughly, though. One of the Item Balls in this cave contains the HM07 WATERFALL which allows you to ride up the waterfalls in the game! You won't be able to use it yet, but get it. You will need it soon!You can also catch a rare Pokémon bird, Delibird in this cave. It will run from you quickly, so put it to sleep to catch it!Also, as a note, you will need STRENGTH on one of your Pokémon to navigate through the Ice Cave. At one point you will need to shove Boulders down into holes in order to give yourself stopping points on the Ice Floor below.

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